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Online Classes

During the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic we have taken the decision to offer two styles of online classes, this is in addition to as many of the studio classes we are legally allowed to continue with and that are financial viable too.

Live Stream Classes

These classes as the title suggests are delivered live with a physical instructor performing the exercises in real time with yourself as if you were standing with them in the studio.  We will be using a product called ZOOM to allow this to happen and you would need to have this loaded either on your PC, Laptop, or Mobile Device.

On Demand Classes

There can be accessed at any time you feel like taking part in a class.  These classes are recorded live classes with any of the usual chat between teacher and attendee still in place, just like you were really there in that actual class.

If you are an existing member then you can access the Live Stream Classes as part of your memberships.  All Live Stream Class attendees will be required to book, as per a studio class, with at least two hours notice so we can send you the invite to the session.

When undertaking any exercise away from the physical environment in which the teacher is done so with the understanding that you do so at your own risk, in that you have cleared a suitable area to complete the class and have access to water/etc to rehydrate.  It is also based on the understanding that you are feeling well enough and have no medical conditions that you feel should be checked by a GP prior to taking part.

If you agree with the above please click NEXT below

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